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Improvements on status of projects in tracking spreadsheet.
Annotation is (almost) ready for ballot
Need RC releases of API artifacts:
Messaging, one outstanding PR for module-info
Opted to not do a RC
A proposed final is available on staging
Transactions - one outstanding PR for module-info
Projects needing help should create issues and ask the platform group. Projects are doing this.
Discussion around RCs
Signature tests must pass
Does not need to be a final version of the API artifact
The TCK must be a released version, and associated sha-256 must be correct
ACTION: Ask the Spec Committee to clarify (Scott)
Split-out TCKs
May be two versions of TCKs, one in the platform TCK and one split out* If platform spec requirements are met by the new, split-out, TCK then this is sufficient
TCK User Guides must specify what is needed for the platform
An issue should be created for each spec that have split out their TCK, so the platform team can decide how to address it:
Jakarta JSON-B
Jakarta JSON-P
Jakarta RESTful Web Services
Jakarta Faces
Jakarta Batch
Scott Marlow will schedule a call with the TCK team and Jakarta JSON-B this week
Identify the platform requirements for which containers need to be tested with each SPEC API (JSON-P + JSON-B specifically).
Goal is to avoid duplication of test sources for each SPEC API TCK + Platform
Post minutes from call
Invite list (add name here)
Scott Marlow
Scott Stark
Dmitry Kornilov
Deprecate permissions.xml? (carryover from last call)
Based on their experience with Neo4J, maybe some of the jQAssistant contributors might also like to have a look at Jakarta NoSQL.Either to get involved or use it in a future version of the tool, especially to be independent of a particular system like Neo4J ;-)