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Date: 2025-01-21
- James Perkins (Red Hat)
- Jared Anderson (IBM)
- Anand NK (IBM)
- Nathan Rauh (IBM)
- Tom Watson (IBM)
- Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
- Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)
- Petr Aubrecht (Payara)
- Gurunandan Rao (Oracle)
- Brian Stansberry (Red Hat)
- John Clingan (Red Hat)
- Jan Westerkamp (iJUG)
- Scott Marlow (Red Hat)
- Cesar Hernandez (Tomitribe)
Top of mind for Ed, Arjan, Jared
- Welcome to Jared as a committer on the Platform!
- Ed requests that the spec project leads tag as “good first issue” at least three issues in their issue trackers.
- Ivar also suggests to update the file with some specifics for how to get started with spec work
TCK Refactoring Jakarta EE 11
- Web Profile TCK status
- Tests well in hand.
- Need more clarity on which of the sub-jobs from the above are “all good” vs. “needs more work”.
- All good means: the job is running as intended for ratifying the Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile.
- Needs more work means:
- either the TCK needs to be replaced with the TCK that runs inside the container.
- Or
- Additional tests need to be run, on top of what is in the job. These tests live in the Platform TCK.
- ACTION: This needs to be documented in the TCK User Guide.
- Low likelihood of unknown unknowns arising.
- Plan to pivot to writing TCK User Guide this week.
- This week I plan to ask for an estimate for when Web Profile TCK will be ready to ask the spec committee to initiate the release reviewmerge the PR.
- Will follow up at the TCK call tomorrow
- Jan 21 updates
- [Arjan] Tags TCK was moved from the Platform TCK over to the component repository for tags
- Changes were made to the Tags TCK with this change. Test changes were made due to refactoring.
- Gurunandan is concerned because we did not reballot, but this will just be a service release.
- Guru believes that previous discussion was that a refactored TCK could not be released as a service release.
- Will still use Tags 3.0.1 TCK from EE 10 platform TCK for EE 11
- The refactored TCK from Tags repository will be used for Tags vNext for EE 12 if Tags is updated
- Tags TCK doesn’t have any additional platform tests above and beyond the component TCK requirements
- Anything need to be discussed with the specification committee about this topic?
- Ivar stated cannot change / add tests in a service release. Only can react to challenge requirements.
- Would require a release that requires a ballot
- Tags TCK challenge for failing test with EE 11 due to cookie test issue related to cookie quote behavior in servlet changed with servlet 6.1
- What about future challenges?
- If there is a platform challenge for tags if we pull from the new tags repository TCK would require update from the tags community since they have access to it instead of the platform community
- Can how you run the TCK (ant vs maven) be done in a service release?
- No that would require new release
- If we would have left Tags tests in the platform TCK we would have used them for platform TCK runs. Now we just moved the source of the tests to tags repository.
- Scott M didn’t get to the refactoring of the signature tests for Web Profile or Platform TCK which still needs to be done.
- Need to do all vehicles. Web Profile first and then Platform
- [Arjan] Added ability to create separate files for each of the component additional tests in the platform to not require downloading the entire platform TCK.
- merged in for the EAR to WAR conversion
- Persistence 9 test failures are still there that no one has looked at yet
- If no one looks soon Arjan will look.
- Will follow up at the TCK tomorrow
- Platform Profile TCK status
- ~6,500 persistence tests still blocked by App Client -> remote EJB -> test invocation mechanism.
- Proposal to rewrite those to use App Client -> Servlet -> test invocation mechanism.
- Note: we still have other app client test that validate that remote EJB calls do work from App Client.
- Once the Web Profile TCK has been published, I will work toward getting an estimate for when this critical path issue will be resolved.
Jakarta EE 11
- Core Profile
- Validation 3.1 API
- Validation implementation cannot go final until some files are added / updated in the API jar.
- When will we get a new 3.1.1 release of the API?
- ACTION: Ed to chase down Validation committer to get this merged.
Jakarta EE 12
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